求购:求购6806陶瓷球轴承 浏览:5268
产品规格:暂无 | 产品数量:暂无 |
包装说明:暂无 | 价格说明:暂无 |
发布时间:2007/6/22 8:17:47 | 有效期:180/天 |
企业名称:深圳市德蓝灯光技术有限公司 | 联 系 人:王瑞林 |
所在省份:请更改设置您的城市 | 所在地区:北京 |
联系电话:86 0755 26528810,26735510 | 传真号码:86 0755 26528810,26735510 |
详细地址:中国 广东 深圳市 深圳南山西丽鼎新大厦5F | 邮政编码:- |
Email:delan_lighting@tom.com | QQ:![]() |
尺寸和6806尺寸一样, 球为陶瓷的轴承
产品数量 1000 产品规格 6806陶瓷
Shenzhen Delan lighting Tech. Co.,Ltd provide a range of fun and easy-to-use image projectors.
Possible settings:
Commercial environments:
Shops (on walls, floors, shop windows or pavements), trade fairs and shows, department stores and showrooms.
Service and tourist industry:
Banks, restaurants, fast food outlets, hotels, bars, coffee & tea houses, tourist agencies, airports and stations.
Recreation venues:
Sports halls, gyms, bowling-alleys, amusement arcades, nightclubs, art galleries and museums.
Other activities:
Conferences, industrial presentations, theatres, cinemas, weddings,
contract advertising.
Possible uses:
Projecting fixed or moving brands, signs or images.
Projecting promotions or spotlighting products.
Projecting indoor and outdoor signals.
Special effects for customer entertainment.
Visual support for special events.
Architectural lighting and illumination to enhance spaces
Your joining and cooperation is welcome !
如: 广泛应用在特色娱乐活动场所,展览馆,品牌专卖店,宾馆,酒店,酒吧,咖啡屋,茶馆,商场等. 图案聚光射灯用光线
来传递商业信息/公司形象被使用的越来越广泛, 淋漓尽致的展现您的产品特色/艺术设计是我们产品的追求目标.