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发布时间:2014-03-05 发布人: 新昌金戈轴承有限公司 点击量:712


1、No matter what, just do not give up. Always believe that your dream can come ture and just keep working for what you want to achieve.

2、I always think I could miss 20 shots and believe that the 21st is going in, I just keep fighting.

3、Only the strong survive.

4、Play every game like it's your last.

5、I do not know what a pure point guard is, I just play the game and do whatever is necessary to win even it means I have to be selfish.

6、They can not break me. The only way to break me is to kill me, and everything that does not kill me makes me stronger.

7、I do not to respect and fear anyone.

8、I'm far from a hater. You got talent, I love you.

9、 You can have all the talent in the world but if you don't have heart I don't need you stepping on the basketball court.

10、 A lot of people don't know I'm just like them just human. You know, I play with a lot of attitude but they don't understand when I leave that arena I'm somebody's husband, I'm somebody's dad.
许多人都不知道我跟他们是一样的  不过是人类而已。你知道我凭借态度打球,但是他们不懂:我在场外时,我还是一名丈夫,我是孩子的父亲。     

12、 I just want people to know that Allen Iverson is misunderstood. Allen Iverson tries to be the best father, tries to be the best husband, tries to be the best brother, best cousin, best friend, best teammate. That's it.

13、Who can stop me is me.

14、Being an All-Star is everything.

15、They're targeting guys who dress like me – guys who dress hip-hop   Put a murderer in a suit, and he's still a murderer. It sends a bad message to kids.
有些人抱着某些目的模仿我的穿着  Hip-hop的穿着   但是,即使让杀人犯穿上西服,他依然是杀人犯。这样会教坏孩子们的。    

16、It's a team game  Every coach says that before every game  That's how you should play. When somebody is open, you give it up  when you do share the ball, nine times out of 10 there is a lot more positive results come out of it.
每一个教练在任何一场比赛开始前都会强调  我们应该这么打球:团队合作。当有队友出现空位,你要放弃进攻传球给他 当我们精诚合作时,有超过九成的几率会出现让人乐观的结果。    

17、 我的身高让教练只考虑让我打组织后卫,但我相信我的天分,我能得分,我能在任何人面前得分。     

18、 没有水电,没有事物,这些我都能忍受,但我不能接受莫须有的罪名,我不会就此罢休的。我看到了生活的阴暗面,我不以为耻,这告诉我要抓住机会,很多东西稍纵即逝。我开始懂得任何时候都要相信自己,要和命运抗争。     

19、 他们都是我最好的朋友,当我坐牢时,只有他们来探望我,而那些装作和我很熟的人呢?就会写那些狗屁文章,我根本就不认识他们!     

20、 也许我曾经犯过错误,但是,就没有盖的机会了么?我只希望人们别把我当作NBA的坏小子,如果有一亿个人爱我,又有一亿个人恨我的话,我愿意用行动来报答前者,说服后者。     

21、 我是最好的。     

22、 你可以不爱我,但你至少要怕我。     

23、 我才不管全明星是否就是一个搔首弄姿的秀场,但踏上任何比赛的地板之前,我,艾弗森只有一个目的,那就是取胜,这世界上没有什么比在失败中度过一个夜晚更糟糕的了。     

24、 用心打球。你做到了每个人要求你做到的事情。不管你是输是嬴,你应该为自己骄傲。

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