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发布时间:2014-02-27 发布人: 新昌金戈轴承有限公司 点击量:738
【轴承网】    破产姐妹经典台词   1、That's your brand. The muscle and the hustle. The double-D's and the ditz.
  这是你们的招牌。一个勤奋一个瞎忙活,波霸姐和无脑妹。   2、Don't run, it's Han. For him, every step we take is like a 100-meter dash.
  不用跑,是Han而已。我们走一步,对他的小短腿来说那就是百米冲刺。   3、I see an opportunity, and I make it happen.
  只要有机会,我绝不让它溜走。   4、Listen, everybody's broke in their 20s, and everybody hides form stuff, you run into freezers, I practice ignorance and blackout drinking.
  听着,谁二十多岁的时候不是穷光蛋。人人都有要逃避的事情,你选择躲进冷藏室,我选择视而不见和用酒精麻痹。   5、This is who I am. Nobody says you have to like it.
  我就是我,没人非要你喜欢。   6、There is no luck. There is only work.
  世上没什么运气,只有努力去挑战。   7、It's cool if you don't want to join in on the cupcake dream, but at least wait till you find another. It's a dream, not a man.
  如果你不想加入蛋糕梦也没关系,但你至少要找到别的梦想。这是梦想,不是男人。   8、People who hate you, but can't kill you. That's what family is.
  家人就是恨你却又不能杀你的人。   9、When you don't have enough money to fix your own mistakes, you've make your own magic.
  当你没钱弥补你犯下的错误时,那就得靠自己创造奇迹。   10、We are two very different kinds of idiots, but we're idiots.
  虽然我们傻法不同,但都是傻子。   11、I have two rules in life: Never drink from the same well as a gypsy, and never lend money to friends.
  我人生有两大金科玉律:第一,永远不和吉普赛人喝同一口井的水;第二 永远不借钱给朋友。
  1. 甄嬛传经典台词
  2. 爱 情公寓3经典台词
  3. 蜗居经典台词
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