fiogf49gjkf0d新昌县弘基轴承有限公司位于风景秀丽的江南旅游市浙江新昌县,是一家专业生产轮毂轴承、离合器轴承、 涨紧轮轴承、角接触轴承、深沟球轴承、调心轴承 ,等非标球轴承的企业。公司检测设备齐全工艺完善,质量可靠。本着“品质以优良为本,创新与世界同步”的经营理念,为广大用户提供满意的产品和优良的服务。竭诚欢迎国内外新老用户光临!
Xinchangxianhongji bearings Limited has beautiful scenery in the tourist city of Zhejiang Jiangnan Xinchangxian, is a professional production of round wheel bearings, clutch bearings, When tight round bearings, Kok contact bearings, ball bearings ravine, the tone heart bearings, ball bearings and other non-pillar enterprises. Companies testing the well-equipped craft, Reliable. In the "fine-oriented to quality, innovation and the world at" business ideas for the satisfaction of users with the products and quality service Works. My home and abroad are welcome to new and old users presence!