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上海业森通风设备有限公司于2006年成立于上海。致力于HVLS大型工业风扇的研究、生产和销售。   Shanghai YESEN ventilation equipment co., LTD. Was established in Shanghai in 2006. Dedicated to research, production and sales of HVLS large industrial fans.   业森长期以来在吸收国内外先进技术和经验基础上不断改善着HVLS(High Volume-Low Speed)大型工业风扇的安全性、实用性、耐用性、节能性和经济性,在确保HVLS大型风扇品质的前提下为客户提供用得起的产品。   YESEN absorbs advanced technology and experience at home and abroad. So as to continuously improve the safety, practicality, durability, energy saving and economy of HVLS large industrial fans. While ensuring the quality of the HVLS fan, we also ensure that our customers can afford it.   业森的产品正是凭借优异的安全性、实用性和节能性赢得了众多客户的青睐!越来越多的客户在体验到HVLS大型工业风扇的优异性能后,都纷纷成为公司的客户和广告人!   YESENs products have won the majority of customers favor because of excellent safety, practicality and energy saving! More and more customers have become customers and advertisers after experiencing the excellent performance of HVLS large industrial fans.   业森有着前列的售前•售后服务支持,并贴心的为客户提供通风降温完美解决方案以及安装方案。经过不断地创新与研发,我们的产品早已达到国际标准,不但符合国人的需求,也深受东南亚、南亚、中东、南美等地区客户的喜爱!与众多国际前列的经销商达成合作,专业的销售服务安装团队得到了客户的一直推崇。   YESEN has the perfect pre-sales and after-sales service support, and provides the perfect ventilation cooling solutions and installation solutions for customers. We have been innovating and researching for a long time. Our products have already met international standards. Not only meet the needs of the Chinese people, but also deeply loved by customers in southeast Asia, South Asia, Middle East and South America! In cooperation with international distributors, professional sales, service and installation teams have been highly praised by customers.   公司承接HVLS大型工业风扇OEM贴牌生产。   The company accepts OEM production of HVLS large industrial fan.   质优是我们的保证,价廉是我们的决心,如果您选择业森,除了质优价廉,您还能得到的优质的服务,完美的方案以及如沐春风版的体验。   业森将继续坚持一丝不苟,诚实守信,追求完美的价值观,与您共创美好未来。 联系上海业森通风设备有限公司时请说明是在“轴承网”看到的,谢谢!
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